Achieve a cleaner, longer-lasting exterior with our soft washing services. Amp Mobile Detailing and Pressure Washing is proud to be one of the preferred soft washing contractors in Fayetteville, Hope Mills, NC and the surrounding area. Using low-pressure water combined with a trusted cleaning solution, we’ll safely remove organic stains from your roof, house, driveway or concrete surfaces without causing additional damage.
You’ll enjoy an exterior free of mold, mildew or algae when we’re done. Call 910-536-5698 now to schedule our soft washing services.
You won’t regret selecting Amp Mobile Detailing and Pressure Washing as your go-to soft washing contractor. When you contact us, we’ll...
Discuss your needs with you
Schedule an on-site visit
Evaluate your property
Determine your scope of work
Provide you with an estimate
Rest assured, we’ll cover and move your plants before we get started. We believe in going the extra mile for our customers, which is why we’ll also water your plants before and after completing your project.